put back and put away According to the dictionary, put something away = to put sth in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it. put something back = to return sth to its usual place or to the place where it was before it was moved. I don't see anything difference, so are they the same? Thank you!
2014년 10월 24일 오후 3:56
답변 · 2
They can be, but not always. 'Put away' means to put something where it belongs ie its storage place. 'Put back' means to return something to where you found it. Let's say there's new jar of jam on the kitchen table at breakfast time. Your mum has just been shopping and put it straight onto the table. You pick it up and take some jam for your breakfast. Then what do you do? Do you put it back on the table? (Which is where you found it) . Or do you put it away in the cupboard? (Which is where is needs to be stored). I hope that makes sense.
2014년 10월 24일
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