Please help me with these 3 Spanish sentences Yesterday I tried to make some Spanish sentences using patterns and words I have learnt in Spanish class. However all the correction on here and another site were different, so now I don't know what I did wrong and which corrections are correct. Please can you look at my sentences, tell me why they are wrong and show me the correct versions. Gracias. Please can you explain in English if possible, please, I have only been learning Spanish a month. 1: lavarse- I will wash the dog in the morning - Yo voy a lavarse la perra por la mañana. 2: comprar - She will go to the shop to buy a book - Ella va a tienda ir a comprar un libro. 3: acostarse - You will go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening. - Tú vas a acostarse a las once de la noches.
2014년 10월 25일 오전 8:49
답변 · 7
"lavarse" and "acostarse" are reflexive verbs in Spanish, which means that the subject performs the action on him/herself ("-se" can be translated as "oneself"). You cannot use "lavarse" when you're talking about washing dogs or other things because it means "to wash oneself". If you take off the reflexive "se", it just means "to wash": Voy a lavar la perra por la mañana". When you conjugate the verb, you have to change the reflexive pronoun "se" according to the person of the subject: me lavo, te lavas, se lava, nos lavamos, os laváis, se lavan (I wash myself, you wash yourself, he/she washes him/herself, etc.) (the reflexive pronoun generally moves in front of the verb as well, except in the infinitive, gerund and imperative), so "you will go to bed" will be "vas a acostarte" ("I will go to bed" > "voy a acostarme", etc.). In No. 2, "comprar" is correct, but you put in an extra "ir" ("to go"). "Va" ("she goes") is part of the verb "ir" (which is irregular): "Ir a comprar" = "To go to buy", "va a comprar" = "she goes to buy (she will buy)".
2014년 10월 25일
1: lavarse- I will wash the dog in the morning - (Yo) Lavaré al perro por la mañana. You must use "lavar" when you are going to wash something. If you are going to wash yourshelf you have to use "lavarse". For example: "Voy a lavarme las manos" (I'm going to wash my hands) "Dile que tiene que lavarse los dientes antes de acostarse" (Say to him/her that he/she have to wash his/her teeth before go to bed) 2: comprar - She will go to the shop to buy a book - Ella irá a la tienda para comprar un libro. "va" is present and the tense is in the future with will so, you must use: irá 3: acostarse - You will go to bed at eleven o'clock in the evening. - Te irás a la cama (te acostarás) a las once en punto de la noche. saludos.
2014년 10월 25일
It seems like Ir a = matches with be going to do....irá =will go/do..........the pronouns are comlicated. Me voy, Yo voy
2014년 10월 26일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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