When to use "ㅇ"? Sorry, the last time I typed this I accidentally put it as a notebook entry. But when I see "ㅇ" it is used in two ways like in "안녕하세요" it is used as both a place holder and also to make the sound "ng"
2014년 11월 21일 오후 6:13
답변 · 1
Vowels can't stand alone. So you have to put ㅇ for it. - the Placeholder. For example 안녕하세요 | the ㅏ can't stand alone so you have to put the ㅇ for the ㅏ= 아. You don't have to do it when there is a consonant for the vowel for example 만나 ~ hope it helps
2014년 11월 21일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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