Does the rule of not pronouncing the tanwiin at the end of the sentence apply to all sentences? I came across a grammar rule, which says that any tanwiin or short vowel coming last in a sentence, should not be pronounced. Does this rule apply to all sentences? I am using Rosetta Stone and it gives the following examples: البِنْتُ تَأكُلُ خُبْزً. (Last word is pronounced as ''khubzan'', that is INCLUDING the tanwiin. Is that correct or incorrect?) الرَّجُلُ يَقودُ سَيَّارَةً. (pronounced as ''sayyaaratan'') هُناكَ كِتابٌ واحِدٌ. (Pronounced as ''wahidun'', but according to the above mentioned rule, shouldn'it it be pronounced ''wahid''?) But later on, in some senteces the last tanwiin is not pronounced, for example: القِطَّةُ نائِمَهٌ. (Last word is written with a tanwiin, but the software pronounces it as na'imat.) هُناكَ أربَعةُ مَفاتيح. (In this case, the last word has no tanwiin and is pronounced as ''mafaatiih'' or ''mafaatiiha'', couldn't really figure it out.)
2014년 11월 26일 오후 9:24
답변 · 5
in the first sentence the Tanwin is not part of the word.. it is something we add because of the location or position of the word in that sentence. in the example you gave, خبز was object , and since it is an object we will pronounce it with Fathah and we add tanwin because the word is نكره Nakerah,, which means that the word doesn't have " الـ THE " at before it but if there is الـ then the tanwin sound will be eliminated .. for example البنت تأكل الخبزَ the girl eats the bread ..AlKhubza .. NO Tawnwin I think the rule you wrote means that when you stop at the last word, there should not be tawniw sound, but if you continue the talk , you have to pronounce it (( I am not really sure about this point )) almost the same thing with the two examples the last two examples : 1/ I dont understand the pronunciation you gave, but I would pronounce it as Na'imah If itis the last word in my sentence but If will continue my sentence with some more details or any thing, then I would pronounce it as Na'imaton 2/ this has to do with something called " الممنوع من الصرف " which means that some words are prohibited or prevented from having Tanwin.. and Kasrah (" It could be pronounced with Kasrah in cases like if it is added to a word after it or "الـ THe " has been added to it )) this rule is more complicated and you have to have some more basic rules to understand it there are a lot people who are native in Arabic haven't heard about this rule.. and even if they did, they still don't know how it works :)
2014년 11월 28일
it is some thing related to arabic grammer (( nahw - النحو )) اعراب الكلمة e3rab whihc is the part of arabic that decide how u pronounce the end of each word which is different form sentence to sentence in the first 3 sentence the word u are asking is mafoul bhe مفعول به equal object ahnlic wie akkusative auf deutsch wenn sie dem mit maskulin objekt benutze so it is pronounced in different way than the the other 2 sentence where the words dont have the same function
2014년 11월 27일
Forgot to mention that I am trying to learn Modern Standard Arabic, so I am interested in MSA grammar.
2014년 11월 26일
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