worthy,avaluat,value ,,,can we say, we value our traditions and believes or,can we say, we keep worthy our traditions and believes please make some sentences with same meaning,
2014년 11월 28일 오전 7:55
답변 · 4
We value our traditions and beliefs. Our traditions and beliefs are dear to us. We keep our traditions and beliefs close to our hearts. We Australians hold our traditions and beliefs dear. We in Australia honour our traditions and beliefs. 'We keep worthy our traditions and beliefs' isn't correct. 'Worthy' can only be applied to a person.
2014년 11월 28일
"We value our traditions and beliefs" "The jeweller valued the ring at £100" "The ring is worth around £100, according to the jeweller" "It is worth getting your old jewellery valued as it might be valuable" "My boss evaluates my performance in monthly meetings"
2014년 11월 28일
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