Could anyone explain the structure of this phrase? I was reading an article from this site: #http://www.lifegooroo.com/eat-healthy/5-health-foods-you-need-to-stop-eating-right-away# And of the following phrase: #Big companies use fruit juice instead of whole fruits to make these drinks. The problem with that is that fruit juices lack the healthy benefits that come with whole fruits like fiber thought they keep all the sugar.# I can't understand the last part grammatically: #...thought they keep all the sugar# Is this part referring to "fiber" or whole fruits" or "healthy benefits"? Is there any easier way to say the same sentence? Thanks a lot.
2014년 12월 21일 오전 3:28
답변 · 1
It's a typo. "Thought" should be "though". The pronoun "they" refers to the fruit juices..
2014년 12월 21일
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