How do you say "You had better..." in Spanish? As an example, one might say, "You had better call me when you arrive home!" Thanks!
2014년 12월 28일 오후 10:57
답변 · 7
I agree that in many cases you could translate it as "mejor... blablabla". However, in this particular sentence I'd go for: "¡Más te vale llamarme cuando llegues a casa!" Depending on the tone this may sound a little harsh or slightly aggressive, but I think it conveys better the meaning in English. Regards!
2014년 12월 29일
I would say: Es mejor que o Es conveniente que ... and then Modo Subjuntivo Hope it is useful lidia
2014년 12월 28일
another option could be : "¡Será mejor que me llames cuando llegues a casa!" with a threatening tone.
2014년 12월 29일
Hi Don, Lidia was right I also suggest: "Es mejor que tú..." me llames al llegar a casa. or "Mejor tú.." me llamas cuando llegues a casa. Happy Holidays!
2014년 12월 28일
Hi, Don! Here is another option: Mejor llámeme cuando llegue a casa (imperativo - formal treatment) Mejor, llámame cuando llegues a casa (informal) lidia
2014년 12월 28일
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