3 questions!plz 1——what does mean 便让 and 系(jì)? 便让新王后帮助他系在脖子上。 2——what does mean 勒 and 昏死and 过去? 于是新王后用彩带把公主勒得昏死过去。 3——what does mean 救醒? 但小矮人们回来后救醒了白雪公主。
2015년 1월 26일 오후 7:57
답변 · 2
1——what does mean 便让 and 系(jì)? 便让新王后帮助他系在脖子上。 便 is a conjunction, you can translate it into "and" or "so", it depends on the context. 让 means "ask somebody to do something" 系 means "tie something" 2——what does mean 勒 and 昏死and 过去? 于是新王后用彩带把公主勒得昏死过去。 勒 strap 昏死 means faint or comma when 过去 is placed after verb, it means it is past tense. Translation of the sentence: So/then the new queen strapped the prince with a colorful ribbon and caused her coma. 3——what does mean 救醒? 但小矮人们回来后救醒了白雪公主。 救醒 means "to save someone and make him/her alive again"
2015년 1월 27일
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