박희섭(Heesob Park)
What does "Мне пора" mean? I saw a sentence. - Мне пора, - сказал он королю. - Больше мне здесь нечего делать. What does "Мне пора" literally mean? I want to know why it means "I must be going". Are there some omitted words?
2015년 2월 1일 오후 12:41
답변 · 9
"Мне пора" means "it's time to go", "I have to go", it is a situation, when you should leave a place, sometimes because of some reason (for example, he said it right here "больше мне здесь нечего делать")
2015년 2월 1일
you're right, "идти" is ommited.
2015년 2월 1일
пора = "it's time for something new", and yes, there is omitted the word "идти" Мне пора идти/уходить
2015년 2월 1일
«Пора» literally means "it's time to do something" and «мне» means "to me". It turns out that the phrase can be literally translated as "to me it's time" to be doing no matter what, it implies that you just have to be going.
2015년 2월 1일
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