what does it mean " bella binda "
2008년 8월 9일 오전 9:48
답변 · 1
That doesn't sound like Esperanto, -bind- means the finishing of things (not the end, but the result and work of something) and binda means bind as an adjective. Bella is not an esperanto word, but in Spanish and Italian means Beautiful for femenine gender, and binda might be "bionda" with a missing "o", which means blond woman, so Bella Bionda means Beautiful Blond Woman. Maybe Bella Binda was written by somebody who doesn't speak Esperanto very well, and tried to say that you have a Beautiful finishing, like you'd be a beautiful piece of art, but this person didn't know that Bella is not an Esperanto word.
2011년 12월 23일
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