Olga from the Volga
'I did it', 'I've done it' or 'I made it'? Hi everyone, Just wondering about a natural way to express relief after a long and exhausting journey, when you finally make it home. a) I did it! b) I've done it! c) I made it! Thanks a lot :)
2015년 3월 3일 오전 6:27
답변 · 2
All of these are possible. a) I did it! b) I've done it! c) I made it! Tense-wise, the two past tense constructions seem more natural, as they suggest that the difficult journey is now over and done with. 'I did it!' is quite a general statement, and might describe more than the actual journey. For example, it might be the first time that a young person has driven alone on a motorway, so it refers to particular achievement on the part of the speaker. 'I made it' refers to the achievement getting through the journey and arriving home, which is more specific.
2015년 3월 3일
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