how to read these numbers Hi everybody, I'd like to know, especially for business, how to read numbers and percentages like these: 0.6% (zero POINT six percent?) 14.2% (fourteen POINT two percent) I don't know whether there is a difference or not, but in this case I'd rather know the American way to read them. Thank you!
2015년 3월 4일 오후 3:22
답변 · 2
Yes, they are both correct. The only regional difference is in what we would call the '0'. Calling it zero follows the American convention, and this would be understood worldwide.
2015년 3월 4일
Looks correct although you could just say point 6 percent.-instead of zero point 6 percent they both work.
2015년 3월 4일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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