Hilary Metcalf
comparing A and B and predicting an outcome How do you express the idea that A is more likely than B, as, for example University graduates are more likely to get a high paying job than non-graduates. People who smoke are more likely to get cancer than those who don't (smoke).
2015년 3월 29일 오전 6:38
답변 · 6
A is more likely than B Aは、Bよりもあり得る/なりやすい。 University graduates are more likely to get a high paying job than non-graduates. 大卒者は、大学を出てない者よりも高収入を得やすい People who smoke are more likely to get cancer than those who don't (smoke). 喫煙者は、そうでない人よりも(癌/ガン)になる可能性がある。(or 癌/ガンになりやすい) Hope this helps
2015년 3월 29일
AはBより〜(可能性が高い) 大学を卒業した人の方が卒業しなかった人よりも高収入の仕事につきやすい。 タバコを吸う人は吸わない人よりもガンになりやすい。
2015년 3월 29일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!