Omitting words to make a sentence shorter and better. Which sentence sounds better? From longest to shortest: 1) I think that the English language is the most beautiful language in the world 2) I think the English language is the most beautiful language in the world 3) I think the English is the most beautiful language in the world 4) I think English is the most beautiful language in the world Which sentence sounds natural and better?
2015년 3월 31일 오후 2:59
답변 · 9
They are all correct apart from number 3. You can either say 'English' or 'the English language'. You can't say 'the English' when you are talking about the language. 'The English' means the people of English nationality. Of the three remaining sentences, the fourth is probably the best.
2015년 3월 31일
I think option 4 is the best one! :)
2015년 3월 31일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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