what is the difference between "bacteria "and"germs"? Isn’t that dangerous though? I mean bacteria and germs reproducing on food that was left out or reheated? what is the difference between "bacteria "and"germs"?
2015년 4월 1일 오후 3:17
답변 · 4
Bacteria is a precise term that has a scientific definition. 'Germs' has no scientific meaning. It's an everyday word that we use - in a very imprecise and general way - to mean 'invisible things that make us ill'. When we say 'germs' we are thinking about bacteria, but also other pathogens such as viruses. For example, in everyday ( non-scientific) contexts, we can talk about the cold and flu viruses being spread by 'germs'.
2015년 4월 1일
they are both words used to describe micro-organisms. There are 'good' bacteria, such as those that live in the gut, but some do cause disease. On the other hand, there are no 'good' germs - they all cause disease. I don't really think both words are needed in this sentence. One or the other would suffice.
2015년 4월 1일
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