what does "eased back"mean? Maureen sat beside her, drew Abra into her arms and rocked. “Sorry. Sorry.” “Shh. You’re okay.” “I am okay.” But Abra held tight. “I should be dancing. I didn’t fall apart—until now. I did everything right. He didn’t hurt me. I didn’t let him hurt me. It just . . . it brings it back.” “I know.” “But that’s done.” She eased back, rubbed tears away. “I handled it. But for God’s sake, Maureen, somebody broke into Bluff House. I don’t know where they were or what they were doing. I didn’t notice any-thing out of place, but I only went up to the gym, into the kitchen. I nearly went into the basement to check the generator, but . . . He could’ve been down there. He must’ve cut the power to get in. The power was down. I—” “Drink this now.” Maureen pushed the whiskey into her hand. “And just take it slow.”
2015년 4월 18일 오전 10:14
답변 · 1
The phrase, "eased back" can be used in a couple of ways. In this context, it has a literal meaning. It means to gently or slowly lean back. In this passage, the speaker "eased back, rubbed tears away" to imply that they're calming down after a traumatic experience. It could also be used in another way to describe someone getting used to doing something again. An example is: "After the shark attack, it took Ella a long time to ease back into surfing." This states that Ella was attacked by a shark and had become scared of surfing in the ocean, but she was slowly getting used to it again.
2015년 4월 18일
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