What does this mean ? 1. What do 'suck up contribution' & 'spit out sound bites' mean ? She (Hillary Clinton) nearly won it in 2008 and is in many ways a stronger candidate now. She and her husband have built a vast campaign machine. The moment Mrs Clinton turns the key, it will begin openly to suck up contributions, spit out sound bites and roll over her rivals. Some think her unstoppable. 2. What does 'fare against' mean ? This time, no plausible candidate has yet emerged to compete with her for the Democratic nomination, but there is still time. Primary voters want a choice, not a coronation. And it is hard to say how she would fare against the eventual Republican nominee, not least since nobody has any idea who that will be. Thanks http://www.economist.com/news/leaders/21647969-most-familiar-candidate-surprisingly-unknown-what-does-hillary-stand
2015년 4월 18일 오후 6:42
답변 · 4
American political campaigns are often funded by private contributions or donations. Her metaphorical campaign 'machine' will attract and consume/spend donations. A sound bite is a short audio or video clip taken from a speech or a press conference and broadcast on the news. In this case 'fare' means compare or compete against someone. because we don't know who the Republican nominee will be, we don't know how Clinton will do against him or her.
2015년 4월 18일
1. Suck up = suck in - the action of a machine like a vacuum cleaner. In this case, it is her "campaign machine" which will quickly and efficiently raise funds for her.. "spit out soundbites" - "spit out" is what you do with chewing gum you have finished with or toothpaste water. This word suggests that the campaign machine will efficiently produce and publish soundbites (short messages with political meaning) In this context, "fare" = perform, succeed. "against" is not part of a phrasal verb but is the correct preposition to indicate relation with an opponent.
2015년 4월 18일
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