When do you pronounce 天 [テン] and when do you pronounce it [あめ] or [あま]? I understand that there are two kinds of reading, but how do you know in which case to use one or the other?
2015년 4월 18일 오후 11:26
답변 · 7
It's difficult for us, too, and I think it's advanced Japanese when it's read あま and あめ. Generally they are used for the phrases from old Japanese language. Now, in everyday conversation, we rarely use あま and あめ. I think there are rules but they aren't very clear. So one of the best ways would be remembering how to read it in each case. I hope this helps you.
2015년 4월 19일
It is easy to see the difference between テン (ten) and 天 (heaven, sky) when you're reading or if you want to write it. The katakana word テン can only mean "number ten" from english and the kanji 天 is heaven or sky (there are some other meanings) , but on conversations, the context will be crucial. あめ and あま are different words with different meanings. あま could mean "nun" and あめ most of the time means "rain".
2015년 4월 19일
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