ommitting reflexives? -¿Cómo te llamas? -(Yo) soy Sara. ____ I know pronoun subjects could be omitted, but don't know if reflexives could too. Can I say "¿Cómo llamas?". Gracias! :)
2015년 4월 25일 오후 4:18
답변 · 1
Hello. You can't say "¿Cómo llamas?", if you don't use the reflexive noun, you change the meaning of the question. Concretely, in that question "¿cómo te llamas?" means "what is your name?"; but "¿cómo llamas?" means something like "how do you call?". For example, in a phrase, "¿cómo llamas (a casa)?", " How do you call (home)?".
2015년 4월 25일
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