Wu Ting
How would you interpret ‘steaming Romeo’ here? A friend here seems to be in that kind of hash. He works in radio but has the looks for television—Puerto Rican, a Latin dreamboat type. With brains, even, this boy reads, and very impressed I know you, by the way. Up until last year he was a steaming romeo. Now he can’t get hired for anything. He was mixed up with the Communists ages ago, and it’s a gestanko scene for those cats now, people are even getting deported. How would you interpret ‘steaming Romeo’ in the second passage? Does it mean it had been easy for the boy to find jobs until last year? Thanks! And this excerpt is taken from The Lacuna by Kingsolver.
2015년 4월 26일 오후 1:16
답변 · 1
A "steaming romeo" means he was a hot lover.
2015년 4월 26일
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