"look" "watch" "see"はどのように使い分けるのか。
2015년 5월 24일 오후 6:45
답변 · 3
The difference between these verbs is very clear. 'See' - is a sense. Hearing is another sense. The five senses are sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing. Seeing is involuntary. If you are not blind, and you have your eyes open, you can see. 'Watch' and 'look' are actions, in the same way that 'listen' is an action. They are voluntary. You choose to watch or to look at something. If you watch something you are paying close attention to it. You watch things which are moving or likely to move.
2015년 5월 24일
Look: "Look at me!" or "I looked at the bird." (To look means to direct one's gaze towards something) Watch: "I'm going to watch television" (Watch means to observe something for a certain length of time) See: "Can you see what I am doing?" (See means to discern something)
2015년 5월 24일
Remember that both "look" and "watch" can also be used in an exclamatory sense: "Look out!" "Watch out!" (These are usually said to inform someone that something bad might happen. We can also use "see" in the sense of "do you understand" ("Do you see what I mean?") (This is much that same meaning that Banaz provided!
2015년 5월 24일
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