get on with.check up Which one is the correct option If a bike broke down the rider had to get ( along with. Up to.on with.round to) the repairs himself. He had to be persuade to give his support to the race.he did not even ( turn.check.keep.draw) up for the start. Mechanical ( error.failure.collapse) Thanks
2015년 5월 25일 오후 9:13
답변 · 2
The rider had to do the repairs himself. He had to be persuaded. He did not turn up (=appear) for the start. We use 'turn up' mucho in English. = to come to/to arrive to /to appear at Are you turning up to my party? He didn't turn up yesterday. Mechanical failure ( for a bike/car etc) I have mechanical failures often with my Spanish. jajaja
2015년 5월 26일
1. We would say "deal with the repairs". 2. First of all, it should be "He had to be persuasive". Also, we would say "He didn't not even show up for the start". 3. Mechanical error.
2015년 5월 25일
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