Please help with sentences !! 1) 제가 의사가 되고싶은 2)그러나 내가도 공부 좀 독일어하고 스페인어 I'm not very confident on the second one since I think I didn't do the sentence structure correctly. If anything is wrong please tell me the corrections!! I really appreciate it you helping me out! :)
2015년 6월 29일 오전 7:06
답변 · 2
Due to the word order of the Korean language, all sentences (unless they're incomplete^^) will end in either an action or descriptive verb. This means, most sentences will end in 요 or 다 (unless they're very informal). In addition, providing translations of what you intend to say will help both correctors and other learners. 1) 제가 의사가 되고싶은 -> 저는 의사가 되고 싶어요. "I want to become a doctor." *싶은 is the noun-modifying form of 싶다 (to want). It won't end a sentence. It will go in front of a noun, and then a verb will come after that to finish the sentence. **The emphasis is on what you want to become (저는 의사가...) 2)그러나 내가도 공부 좀 독일어하고 스페인어 ->그리고 (저는) 독일어하고 스페인어를 (조금) 공부하고 싶어요. "Also, I want to study (a little bit of) German and Spanish. *저는 can be omitted since we already know that you are speaking about yourself and your desires (that you are the topic). **The sentence needs to end in a verb ^^ V+고 싶다 means "to want to V", where V stands for verb. (ex. 먹고 싶어요 - (I) want(s) to eat) ***좀 is usually used to soften a sentence, such as when making a request or saying please. 조금 means "a little". ****공부 alone is a noun meaning "studies". 공부하다 means "to study". In English, the noun and verb form of a word are often the same. But you must be aware of the difference in part of speech in Korean. ("drink" is both a noun and verb. "I'm drinking a drink")(In Korean (운동 - exercise (noun); 운동하다 - to exercise (verb))
2015년 6월 29일
Due to the word order of the Korean language, all sentences (unless they're incomplete^^) will end in either an action or descriptive verb. This means, most sentences will end in 요 or 다 (unless they're very informal). In addition, providing translations of what you intend to say will help both correctors and other learners.
2015년 6월 29일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!