some of that behavior looks noble on the surface, Some of that behavior looks noble on the surface, but you've paid dearly for it. what does it mean?the behavior means the daughter is forced to take care of her mother when she was very little.
2015년 6월 30일 오후 3:42
답변 · 3
It usually means that whatever is being done, may seem to have a positive purpose, or good intentions at a glance, but it actually has perverse deeper intentions. Although I agree with Michael, some context would be of great help to make sure that is how it was used. 我希望這有助於
2015년 6월 30일
Do you mean, it is a kind of behavior what cost too much to upkeep?
2015년 6월 30일
We don't have the context but you do. So I suggest that you tell us what you think it means and we can help you if you are wrong.
2015년 6월 30일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!