Sam Roscoe
What are some Russian words that are phonetically similar to English? I was wondering if some Russian words are similar sounding to English ones.
2015년 7월 5일 오전 7:28
답변 · 5
Слова которые переводятся редко и говорится так- Vodka, bortsch, balalaika, perestroika, beluga, rouble, babushka, samovar, dacha
2015년 7월 5일
бог (god) = bog (swamp) but in russian swamp = болото
2015년 7월 5일
Mother - мать, sister - сестра, nose - нос, number - номер, three - три, address - адрес, wine - вино, television - телевидение, class - класс, coffee - кофе,be - быть, goose - гусь, eat - есть, brow - бровь, crook - крюк, beat - бить, cheek - щека, widow - вдова, talk - толковать, beard - борода, stream - стремнина, grab - грабить, deal - дело, pastor - пастух, пастор, dale - дол, долина, stall-стойло.
2015년 7월 5일
avocado (авокадо), banana (банан), lime (лайм), stool (стул), antenna (антенна), peak (пик), granite (гранит), asphalt (асфальт), carburetor (карбюратор), gas (газ), poker (покер), microphone (микрофон).
2015년 7월 5일
Some words were borrowed directly from english (like компьютер, инжектор), some words have the same roots. It's possible, some words came to english from slavic languages, but (almost) no one get down to research that, because there accepted stereotype in the scientific world that only Russia borrow word. Also, there are independent words with similar phonetic, but different meanings.
2015년 7월 5일
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