Are these expressions synonims? Good morning dear students and friends, I am back to Minna no Nihongo number 1 and i decided to start it over... I have been reviewing its contents and i got a question, are these expression synonims? 1. 何歳ですか 2.何歳おいくつ ですか Thank you for your help. Guillermo.
2015년 7월 26일 오후 2:12
답변 · 1
I'd like to correct the second sentence, it's simply おいくつですか。 They mean the same, in English "how old are you?". いくつ for question is used to ask "how many...?" and in this case, "how many years (for the age)" = "how old". So, 何歳おいくつですか is incorrect for repeating "how old". Espero que te ayude.
2015년 7월 26일
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