Luis Gil
What is the right sentence in chinese? I would like to know how to make right this sentence, Thank you!, Please correct which are wrong. There's nothing left than woriking resposibly 没有什么东西剩下比负责任地工作 没有什么东西比负责任地工作剩下更的 没有什么东西比负责任地工作更剩下的 没有什么东西比负责任地工作其他什么都剩下的 没有什么比负责任地工作更
2015년 7월 30일 오후 8:17
답변 · 8
除了负责任地工作以外,别无其他。 没有什么比负责任地工作更重要。
2015년 7월 30일
THEN: There's nothing left than working resposibly. 没有什么东西剩下比负责任地工作 没有什么东西比负责任地工作剩下更的 没有什么东西比负责任地工作更剩下的 没有什么东西比负责任地工作其他什么都剩下的 没有什么比负责任地工作更 I would say "尽心工作,别无其他。"
2015년 7월 31일
FIRST OF ALL: "China" is a noun that refers to the country of China. If it has a lower-case 'c', it's a synonym with "porcelain". "Chinese" is the adjective form of "China", but it can also be a noun refering to the language of China (中文). "Chinese" can technically refer to any Chinese language (Cantonese, Min Nan, Hokkien etc.), but nowadays most people will understand it to specifically refer to Standard Mandarin (Putonghua), although in the past it was used more often to refer to Cantonese (because Guangdong had the most contact with the West). You CANNOT use "Chinese" as a noun meaning "Chinese person) (中国人) ie. you can't say "I am a Chinese"; you have to say wither "I am Chinese" or "I am a Chinese person". "Chinese" always begins with a capital letter. BY JMAY
2015년 7월 31일
There's nothing left than working responsibly. 没有什么比负责任地工作更重要。
2015년 7월 30일
2015년 7월 31일
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