Words in Russian that end with Tsiya Hello I saw this video on youtube that said you can learn about a thousand words in Russian just by substituting tion with Tsiya... Is that true? Do you know any Russian words that end with Tsiya? Thank you Haya
2015년 8월 2일 오전 2:04
답변 · 3
Sure, there are a lot of them. They are borrowed from French or German (often through Polish), recently also from English. Информация, станция, ситуация, традиция, реакция, операция, революция, организация, интонация, консультация, функция, инструкция, коллекция, цивилизация, эмоция, коммуникация, конституция, сигнализация, регистрация, проекция, селекция (in genetics), модернизация, индустриализация, стабилизация, реставрация, автоматизация, позиция. There are some that do not have "-tion" in English: милиция, полиция, ,конференция, лекция, репетиция, концепция, продукция. Just do not be too reliant on making up such words. Oftentimes Russian has its own word or uses a similarly structured word but made of Russian parts: - education = образование (-ние) - relation(ship) = отношение - action = действие - position (as in "place where something is") = положение - attention = внимание - condition = состояние (state), условие - population = население - direction = направление - generation = поколение ("генерация" only means producing energy or some resource)
2015년 8월 2일
tsiya = ция revolution = революция, constitution = конституция and so on.
2015년 8월 2일
Those are international words, and they will be the same on almost all languages. For example in Deutsch: revolution, konstitution, in Portuguese: revolucao, constitucao and so on
2015년 8월 2일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!