Dear friends do you like Chinese food?
2015년 8월 2일 오후 8:09
답변 · 3
Yes; but as Dan Smith said - I'm not sure how authentic Chinese restaurants are in the United States? Chinese food in the United States is a little bit to greasy; which I do not think is the case in China. Many local Chinese restaurants have also begun diversifying - they either also cook Japanese or Korean cuisine, or brand them selves as "modern Asian fusion" restaurants. My neighborhood does have a small, family owned, Chinese restaurant; which I do enjoy and the owners are very nice. I did learn something interesting on the Science Channel the other day, on "How It’s Made" – Fortune Cookies are not authentic Chinese food. I believe all Chinese restaurants serve them in the US.
2015년 8월 2일
2015년 8월 2일
I don't know how authentic the cuisine is, but in the United States there are many kinds of "ethnic food" that are widely enjoyed, and "Chinese food" is one of them. In my town of about 25,000 there are six Chinese restaurants. I love Chinese restaurants... but I also love Thai, Mexican, Greek, Lebanese... If people at work decided to go out for lunch, the conversation might go like this: "So, what should we have? Italian?" "Naah, had it yesterday. Greek?" "The Acropolis is OK but it's pretty expensive." "I like Chinese, is there a good Chinese place around here?" "For Chinese, the Hunan Pagoda is pretty good, and their lunch buffet is a good deal." "Oh, sure, I've been there. I like their Moo Goo Gai Pan. Let's do that one."
2015년 8월 2일
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