Cómo se dice "Hab dich lieb" en espanol?
2008년 9월 12일 오후 10:25
답변 · 3
its like: te quiero
2008년 9월 13일
Hab Dich lieb is a much milder and less direct form of Ich liebe Dich (te amo). Like "I think you're really nice". I think lieb in this context relates to the adjective meaning "sweet, kind or dear" and not directly to the verb lieben, although the former is obviously a derivative of the latter.
2008년 9월 13일
Si "Hab dich lieb" significa lo mismo que "Ich liebe dich" entonces la traducción seria : "Yo te amo" o simplemente "Te amo"
2008년 9월 13일
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