Does "you should" sound rude I was writing an email to remind my client to ignore the mistakes I made in the last one.And I put it like this,"you should ignore my last email due to some mistakes I made." Then my boss told me I should not have said YOU SHOULD to client 'cause they're not my subordinate.Though I still confused whether it sounds rude to say YOU SHOULD to someone,particularly in this context? Many thanks in advance!!!!
2015년 8월 28일 오전 10:43
답변 · 6
Well, yes I understand what your boss is saying. A native speaker would be very unlikely to use 'you should' in that context because it sounds quite direct. Using 'should' here would be for something they need or ought to do. You don't want to convey that here, you simply want to inform the person. A better way to start it would be: Please ignore my last email because...
2015년 8월 28일
Well, you're giving a direct suggestion when, in this case, it's far better to make a request. "Please ignore my last email due to..."
2015년 8월 28일
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