Is this english sentance correct? "You dont know nothing !" I find this sentance in a american TV-series. That is logically odd to me, because that's a double no. Shouldnt this mean "You know everything" ? What is the difference bewteen "You dont know nothing !" and "You dont know a thing/anything !" or "You know nothing ! (jon snow, haha) " ? Thanks in advance!
2015년 9월 2일 오전 4:43
답변 · 11
That's just how Americans say it nowadays. It's like they're emphasizing it. But that's grammatically incorrect. But they really mean "You don't know anything" or "You know nothing".
2015년 9월 2일
You, as someone seeking to use English correctly, should avoid using this expression yourself. And I don't agree with Ejean that most Americans would use this expression or that it is acceptable in any business or academic context.
2015년 9월 2일
'You don't know anything' is the correct sentence.
2015년 9월 2일
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