Make or do a presentation? Which is correct, make or do a presentation?
2015년 9월 7일 오후 12:12
답변 · 14
I'll assume you mean 'presentation' in the sense of giving a talk or lecture about something. If you say 'I have to make a presentation' it is about the creation/preparation of the material for the presentation. If you say 'I have to do a presentation' it is talking about the actual presenting itself, although 'give a presentation' or 'deliver a presentation' are perhaps better alternatives.
2015년 9월 7일
This is a rare example of a phrase where either 'make' or 'do' is possible. Personally, I'd use 'do a presentation ' or, better still, 'give a presentation'. 'Give' collocates naturally with various words of this type, such as 'give a speech' or 'give a talk' or 'give a lecture'. It means 'deliver', with the emphasis on the fact that you are presenting something to an audience.
2015년 9월 7일
'Make a presentation' is correct, although you will hear 'do a presentation'.
2015년 9월 7일
I would say both are acceptable as Su.Ki has stated.
2015년 9월 7일
Make implies you're creating it, do implies you're presenting/performing it
2015년 9월 7일
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