Possible Yiddish phrase from my childhood My father used a phrase in either Yiddish or German, the context of which was always similar to: "Get out of here." Phonetically, it sounded like "eh-rous-meh-dee." Can anyone help narrow this down? Thanks!
2015년 10월 7일 오후 3:51
답변 · 1
A few guesses: This sounds like Yiddish. The first part is almost certainly 'aroys' which means 'out'. The last word may be 'da', which means 'here'. So, 'Get out of here' does seem to be what this means. The middle word may be 'mir', meaning (to) 'me', so the whole phrase might have the meaning oof 'Get out (of my way and get out) of here'.
2015년 10월 7일
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