Gabriele Matsuda
Can anyone help me translate this? Alguém pode me ajudar a traduzir isto? 従い まし て 、 今後 とも 「 必ず タイム カード に 打刻 」 頂き ます 様 くれぐれも よろしく お願い 致し ます。 尚 、 毎月 20 日締処理 の 段階 で 出勤 、 退勤 の 打刻時間 が 確認 でき ない 日 につきまして は 計算 さ れ ない まま 処理 ( 出勤 さ れ て い て も 給料 に 反映致し ませ ん ) さ せ て いただき ます ので 、 あしからず ご 承知 ください。 皆様 の ご 理解 と ご 協力 よろしく お願い 致し ます。
2015년 11월 24일 오전 3:28
답변 · 3
Hi Gabriele, I am a bilingual in Japanese and English, and would be happy to help you with this translation. See below for my translation: "In accordance, please be sure to record/punch-in your times on your time card hereafter. Now, please be advised that, at the time of processing on the 20th of every month, if there are days we are unable to confirm the record of your clock-out time, [your hours] will be processed without calculating those [missing] hours (it will not reflect on your salary even if you came into work). We ask for everyone's understanding and cooperation." Let me know if you have any questions. Paz, -Daiji
2015년 11월 26일
SUPER ROUGH TRANSLATION: Not Grammatically Correct! Hence, we thank you "and embossing always time card" received you as earnestly regards the future. In addition, attendance at the stage of the 20th of every month clamping processing, it will be processed while the embossing time of the clock-out can not be calculated with regard to the day that can not be confirmed (be attendance will not be reflected in the salary) therefore, please know Sorry. Everyone for your understanding and cooperation Thank you.
2015년 11월 24일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!