determining Is this the correct term? Colours affect our lives but I don't think they are determining to get happiness. In Spanish we say " determinante para conseguir..... Thanks
2015년 11월 27일 오후 5:28
답변 · 7
What is the message you are trying to convey?
2015년 11월 27일
determinants to get happiness.....or ..determinations that get ( obtener ) ( consequir ) happiness or ... " things that achieve happiness "
2015년 11월 27일
You could also say "but I don't they play a major role IN determining a person's happiness. You could say but I don't think they determine our happiness. Or I don't think their influence or presence determines our overall happiness.
2015년 11월 27일
I don't think 'determining' makes sense in this sentence. It does not sound right. If I understand the meaning of the sentence correctly I would use 'needed' or 'required.' I would also suggest using a word like 'achieve' or 'gain' instead of 'get.' To 'get' happiness does not sound natural. It is more common to say that you would 'achieve' or 'gain' happiness. Colours affect our lives but I don't think they are (required or needed) to (achieve or gain) happiness.
2015년 11월 27일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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