What's the difference between; 기대하다, 예상하다 & these 3: 아예,절대, 결코? 기대하다, 예상하다 both mean expect 아예, 절대, 결코 all three mean never So what's the difference between them?
2016년 2월 7일 오후 5:45
답변 · 5
기(期): period, phase 대(待): wait, stay 기대(期待): expect, loot forward to 기대 can be understood as "to expect" something pleasant, and only pleasant. That's the main difference to "expect" in English which also accepts something unpleasant. 예(豫): beforehand 상(想): think 예상(豫想): expectation, anticipation, prediction The choice between 기대 & 예상 depends on the context, and 예상 is compatible with unpleasant events. ============================================================ 아예: never(?) with the nuance of "altogether", "in the first place" "진다는 것은 아예 상상조차 하지 않았다." I didn't even imagine defeat in the first place. 절대 and 결코 are very similar, thus interchangeable, but 결코 contains more nuance of willingness (in my opinion)
2016년 2월 7일
결코 = 결단하고 결(決): determin, decide 단(斷): break, stop 결단(決斷): decision (a very very strong one) 절(絕): absolutely 대(對): to 절대(絕對): absolute 결코 is related to will/determination while 절대로 can be translated to "absolutely"
2016년 2월 7일
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