The preponderance of online reviews speaks to their basic weakness "The preponderance of online reviews speaks to their basic weakness: Because it’s essentially free to post a review, it’s all too easy to dash off thoughtless praise or criticism, or, worse, to construct deliberately misleading reviews without facing any consequences." Anybody can tell me what the "The preponderance of online reviews speaks to their basic weakness" means in this context? Does this mean "The strong points and weak points of online reviews go hand in hand?" Pls help me. Thanks in advance. :)
2016년 2월 12일 오전 11:23
답변 · 4
The preponderance of online reviews speaks of their basic weakness" Preponderance > being in super number / being in greater number speak of ( someone/something)> to show a certain quality of (something/someone) The greater number of online review( greater in number than other type of reviews) reflect/shows the major weakness of having online reviews
2016년 2월 12일
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