Meaning of "bundled against the cold, buttonholing a senior staffer" Hi! I'm reading a blogpost and it has a sentence I cannot understand. Here it is: "Wandering the streets, I couldn't help but think of Jed Bartlett bundled against the cold, buttonholing a senior staffer." I cannot understand: "bundled against the cold, buttonholing a senior staffer" The blogpost is about politics: I've done some research and from what I can understand "bundled against the cold, buttonholing a senior staffer" means that he is standing somewhere outside and it is cold, and he's standing like with his hands in his pockets, shrinking (I don't know if it is the right word here, I think this is what "bundled against the cold" means in this context ) to get warmer, and at the same time he is taking to other incumbent, a subordinate of his, asking him about something, and by doing so he is making this other person cold too. The other person is trying to "escape" somehow, to get indoors because of the cold. I’m getting it right? Thanks!
2008년 11월 7일 오후 10:59
답변 · 2
Hi Aleksey I reckon you have more or less found the right meaning already. To be 'bundled against the cold' is to be wrapped up in layers of clothing - the emphasis is on warmth rather than style, because it makes you look like a big bundle of clothes. Your description of 'buttonholing' is, in my opinion, accurate.
2008년 11월 8일
The cold kept them from leaving the building (or covered area). "Buttonholing" may mean that talk consistently to someone (without giving a respite).
2008년 11월 8일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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