How to say: Gets too much coverage in the press or/and on TV It happens for some events or facts that although they seem to be unimportant, not backed by any evidence or ridiculous such an event gets an overwhelming coverage in the press and/or on TV. How would you express your disapproval of such a fact in colloquial (or not colloquial but in a short form) English? (There is a form for this in Russian, so if wonder if there's a similar expression in English) Thanks!
2008년 11월 20일 오전 8:04
답변 · 2
overblow - раздувать делать из мухи слона (proverb) (literary - make an elephant out of a fly) - also means to exaggerate I can't remember any special term concerning the media.
2008년 11월 21일
You could say the event is "completely overblown" or "blown out of all proportion". You can also say that the media is "making a mountain out of a mole-hill". Hope that helps. By the way, what is the Russian phrase? (I would like to learn Russian, but don't know much)
2008년 11월 21일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
질문을 남겨보세요. 원어민이 도움을 줄 수 있을 거예요!