Yuuichi Tam
What's the meaning of "many are the times"? I came across this phrase "many are the times". What's the meaning? Does it mean "many times" or "always" or other?
2016년 11월 2일 오후 4:01
답변 · 4
It means "many times" but sounds more poetics. Here's one example from a book: "Many are the times that I have left the hunting fields at the end of the day and looked into the twilight to see the silhouette of hunters and dogs heading home, all of them my friends." It means: "I have left the hunting fields at the end of the day many times and looked..."
2016년 11월 2일
It means there are many times a particular event, thought or action has occurred. "Many are the times I yearn to be free." It is similar to "many a time".
2016년 11월 2일
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