Helly Lucas
Is there any mistake in these sentences? Hallo, Leute! I always like to create sentences with new vocabulary that I learn. I've heard it helps them to stick. Since I'm still a beginner in German I'm not sure if the sentences I create are accurate. Could somebody please help me with that? Below are some phrases attached with a translation (or what I've tried to express): Ich Geteilte ein video an facebook "I have shared a video on facebook" Ich mache Kärtchen damit ich kann lerne Wortschatz "I make cards so that I can learn vocabulary" Wir sind nicht freunde aber bekannte "We are not friends but acquaintances" I appreciate your help.
2016년 12월 7일 오후 8:38
답변 · 8
> Ich habe ein Video auf Facebook geteilt "geteilt" in that sense is not "real" german, but "Facebook-german". You could use it in this instance. > Ich mache Kärtchen damit ich Wortschatz lernen kann. Oder: Ich mache Kärtchen um Wortschatz zu lernen/üben. "Machen" ist kein sehr schöner (und unpräziser) Ausdruck: Schöner wäre: Ich schreibe Kärtchen um meinen Wortschatz zu üben. > Wir sind nicht Freunde, aber Bekannte.
2016년 12월 8일
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