does anybody tell me how to say :自作多情 1,u gave the help but they do not really want 2,u love somebody with the care ,but somebody does not feel the same way to u ,just take it for granted,and donoe not care.
2008년 12월 8일 오전 1:38
답변 · 4
Imagine oneself as the favorite of one of the opposite sex
2008년 12월 8일
Here is what a couple of translation packages say about your statement: 1. 自作多情 zì zuò duō qíng Oneself (certainly - from), To do (make - write - take as - feel - work), Many (more - how), Feelings (emotion) 2. The original work is full of affection 3. my interpretation : I have many loves - Playing the field? Please correct if my interpretation is off. Xiexie
2008년 12월 13일
NO 2 is right
2008년 12월 8일
The answer 2 is right
2008년 12월 8일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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