how to write "dairy" "frozen" and "delicatessen" Hi all! I need to know the Arabic translation of these 3 words: "dairy" - "frozen" and "delicatessen" as you would find them on a supermarket sing (I'm drawing a photorealistic supermarket and I need yo write the correct arabic word above the shelf). Can anybody help me? Thanks!
2017년 2월 27일 오전 7:04
답변 · 6
Hi Elisa, dairy products = منتجات ألبان frozen = مجمدات delicatessen = وجبات خفيفة Good luck!
2017년 2월 27일
dairy منتجات الالبان frozen مجمد او مجمدات
2017년 3월 5일
dairy = حلاب - حلوب - منتجات ألبان frozen = متجمد _ مجمده
2017년 3월 1일
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