SONRISA PROFIDENT What's the meaning of "PROFIDENT"?The brand of teeth goods? and i wanna know if i can make some phrases myself like"velocidad ferrari'? huh...whatever...thx a lot.
2009년 1월 8일 오전 5:20
답변 · 3
They are right. Profident a toothpaste brand as Colgate and MClean. "Sonrisa profident" means "Perfect smile". It was a popular expression, slang, because the Profident advert and slogan, was very popular.
2009년 1월 10일
Yes, this is from a toothpaste advertisement.It's like saying "a Colgate smile" And as Paco says, the language of well known brands is common currency these days. But I would add it's one thing to repeat a phrase that everybody has heard a million times like "sonrisa Profident" and another to make up a phrase. In the first case you are speaking a common language and in the second you are improvising and being creative.
2009년 1월 8일
Hola, Yann. La marca más conocida de dentífrico (casi la única) era, hace muchos años, Profident. Y el anuncio decía eso "Sonrisa profident", por eso se dice cuando alguien tiene una amplia sonrisa. Desde luego que puedes hacer frases de ese tipo utilizando marcas comerciales muy conocidas, te entenderá todo el mundo.
2009년 1월 8일
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