What is it when you say i an 5 feet 4 inches tall.?
2017년 8월 21일 오후 9:27
답변 · 8
If someone asked me how tall I was? (How tall are you?) I'd answer "five-nine" which would be the idiomatic way of saying 5 feet, 9 inches tall. In the metric system, 5-9 would be just over 175 cm. The measure you asked about 5-4 would be about 163 cm. Hope this helps!
2017년 8월 21일
To describe your height to someone. This is the Imperial system used by the USA, and in casual conversation in many parts of the world. I know my height in Metric because that is what is printed on my drivers license, but I tend to think of height in feet and inches. Metric would be 162 cm. So if you are 162 cm tall you would say "I am five four or 5 foot 4" if you wanted to say your height in feet and inches. If people want to know they will ask "how much in feet?" or "how much is that in feet?"
2017년 8월 21일
Thanks sum1.new4u
2018년 3월 20일
I know that this is an old question, but if you haven't figured it out already, here is how you convert SI to the imperial system: 1 foot = 12 inches 1 inch = 2.54 cm 5' 4'' = 5 feet and 4 inches = 5*12+4 = 64 inches 64 inches = 64*2.54 = 64*(2.5+0.04) = 640/4 + 0.64*4 = 160 + 2.56 ~ 162.5 cm
2018년 3월 20일
It's your height
2017년 8월 21일
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