Can you help me to understand the meaning of "all monitor circuits" in this sentence? I'm reading a book about subconscious mind. The writer write that "you have an early morning flight and need to be awakened by 4:00 a.m.[...]You crawl into bed you are telling yourself how important it is to get up at four. The internal dialogue is a request from the conscious to the subconscious mind to be awakened at 4:00 a.m.You drift into a deep sleep and a few hours later you wake up with a start. You know it is much earlier than you normally wake up because it is still dark, you roll over on your side to look at your digital clock which reads 3:59 a.m. You reach over to turn off the alarm just as the clock moves to 4:00" and he concluded "The subconscious never sleeps. The subconscious contains all monitor circuits". Can you help me to understand the meaning of "all monitor circuits" in this sentence? Thank!
2017년 12월 3일 오전 9:15
답변 · 1
A circuit refers to type of electrical loop through which electric impulses flow. It is usually used for manmade things, like the copper wiring in radios, but the expression is also used for “wiring” in the brain along which nerve impulses flow. Monitor means to keep track of the status of something. So, “monitor circuits” mean the nerve systems in the brain that keep track of things, like what time it is.
2017년 12월 3일
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