Caught or called my attention? "what called/caught my attention was... " is there any difference?
2018년 10월 27일 오후 10:45
답변 · 2
Caught or called my attention? "what called/caught my attention was... " is there any difference? - It/they/she caught my attention. The use of "called my attention" is incorrect.
2018년 10월 27일
Caught my attention: caused me to become interested in something "The book's title grabbed/caught my attention and I picked the book up." Brought TO/Called TO my attention: something or someone made me notice something I hadn't noticed before. "It was brought to my attention that a lot of old men and women were climbing the mountain, looking very fresh." "My attention was called to the large number of old men and women climbing the mountain, looking very fresh."
2018년 10월 28일
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