"They are uninterested in education" to "Their..." If I want to blame students for something and I want to refer the reason for it to ((their lack of interest in education)). However, they don't lack interest; they are not interested at all. So, how to say it starting the sentence with "Their"? Note: I have stated other reasons to blame students, as: - Their laziness towards studying. - Their dependency on others. - Their lack of confidence in themselves. That's why I want that statement to be in that form; to be in the same rhythm. ---> Can I say: "Their uninterest in education"? Thanks
2018년 11월 12일 오전 9:11
답변 · 4
Agree. Also, "Their complete lack of interest in education."
2018년 11월 12일
I believe “disinterest “ is the word you are looking for. Their disinterest in education.....
2018년 11월 12일
아직도 답을 찾지 못하셨나요?
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