Modernize or modernise? Which one is correct? Modernize or modernise?Similar with urbanization and urbanisation ?
2019년 2월 27일 오후 12:38
답변 · 2
Both spellings are correct. Speakers of US English only use the 'ize' version. British/Commonwealth English speakers use both 'ise' and 'ize'. The same goes for many verbs, such as realise/realize, recognise/recognize, and many others. It doesn't matter which convention you use, providing you are consistent.
2019년 2월 27일
Modernize is the American version, modernise is British spelling. There are many words like this (criticize vs criticise, realize vs realise...) When you're not sure, you can check here: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/modernize
2019년 2월 27일
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